PEGASUS Institute, Research Partner

Neil Arya (BASc MD CCFP FCFP DLitt) is a past Vice- President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which won the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize and of President of Physicians for Global Survival (PGS) and has written and lectured around the world about Peace through Health.

He was president of the Canadian Physicians for Research and Education in Peace (CPREP) and is founding President of PEGASUS Institute and was Chair of the PEGASUS Global Health Conferences. He co-edited the book Peace through Health in 2008 authored numerous articles and chapters on this topic.

He has been a contributing editor of Medicine Conflict and Survival. He is an Advisor/Reviewer/Author for Medical Peace Work European Consortium, is a member of Interpeace Peace Responsiveness Roster, the Lancet-SIGHT Commission on Peace, Gender and Health and the Global Alliance on War, Conflict & Health.

He has taught Peace through Health Courses at the undergrad level at McMaster University and Conrad Grebel College of the University of Waterloo and now McGill University.

He has also been a keynote speaker on Peace through Health in countries such as Germany, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, China, India, Israel/Palestine, Australia, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, US, Canada, and Dubai.