Peace Academy Foundation, Research Partner
Randall Puljek-Shank has more than 25 years of experience in peacebuilding in programme design, implementation, training, evaluation, and research with a primary focus on the Western Balkans.
He worked with the NGO Mennonite Central Committee from 2002 to 2012, supporting local organisations focused on strategic peacebuilding, inter-religious action, and trauma healing.
His recent work includes program evaluations of MCC’s program in Colombia and Ecuador, the Interpeace Peace Responsiveness Program and forumZFD’s Western Balkans Program. As a facilitator and process design consultant he has worked for Transparency International, IOM and Helvetas.
He also designed and facilitated five exchanges for selected government and NGO participants from Ukraine to learn from the experience of Bosnian practitioners. Randall holds a PhD in Political Science from the Radboud University Nijmegen.
His doctoral research deepened his interest in the intersection of civil society and politics of ethnically divided societies, and his research has been published in the journals Cooperation and Conflict, Democratization and Voluntas.
He has taught undergraduate political science, social movements and graduate capacity building, programme planning, monitoring, and evaluation, and peacebuilding theory.