The Group of 78 held its annual policy conference for 2023 between Tuesday, Sept. 26 and Friday, Sept. 29. The Title of the hybrid conference was Preventing and Stopping Violence: Effective Actions to Curtail Conflict.

The planning committee felt that there was a need to focus on solutions, to the degree possible, rather than the traditional approach of discussing background and causes. This orientation led to a fascinating examination of potential strategies for prevention and resolution of conflict in a wide variety of environments and circumstances.

A conference report is currently being prepared. Some very preliminary principles and findings that emerged are:

The following presentations were made (Note: Two of which involved members of the Peace Professionalism Partnership initiative):

1Keynote: A Peaceful World by 2030Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies, Bradford University, UK
2Keynote: Charting a Path to Peace in the Midst of Escalating War & MilitarisationKai Brand-Jacobsen, President & Director of the Department of Peace Operations of PATRIR, Romania
3Keynote: Science and Secrets of Ending Violent CrimeIrvin Waller, Professor, Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa; Author
4Northern Ireland – A Successful Peace StorySean Byrne, Professor, Peace & Conflict Studies, University of Manitoba
John McGarry, Professor, Political Studies; Canada Research Chair in Nationalism & Democracy, Queen’s University
5Colombia: Successes in a Challenging EnvironmentCesar Jaramillo, Moderator / Discussant – Executive Director, Project Ploughshares
Professor Dr. Luis Bernardo Díaz Gamboa – Professor, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC)
Hon. Senator Sandra Ramírez Lobo Silva – Elected to the Senate of Colombia for the Commons party in 2018: former combatant in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Dr. Alicia Cabezudo – Professor Emeritus at the School of Education UNR – Universidad National de Rosario and the UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Human Rights of the National University of Buenos Aires 
6Addressing the Roots of Conflict in AfricaIsaac Asume Osuoka, Fellow in Residence, Global and International Studies, Carleton University
Lina Aburas-Awadalla, Doctoral Candidate, International Development & Global Studies, University of Ottawa
7The Faith Factor: Positive Intervention or Perilous IntrusionAudrey Kitagawa, President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation
Rabbi Kliel Rose, Congregation Etz Chayim, Winnipeg
Dr. Peter Petkoff, Director of Religion, Law and International Relations Programme, Regents Park College, Oxford and Brunel Law School, UK
Edward Channer, Conflict and Social Cohesion Advisor, Islamic Relief Worldwide, UK 
Moderated by Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, CCC
8Beyond Fragile Ground: New Peacebuilding Architectures for Today and the Future: Findings from PeaceCon2023Jessica Baumgardner–Zuzik Deputy Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding
Liz Hume, Executive Director, Alliance for Peacebuilding
Megan Corrado, Director – Policy & Advocacy, Alliance for Peacebuilding
9Health and Peacebuilding: Lessons from the FieldModerator and Speaker, Neil Arya, Medical Doctor, Scholar in Residence, Faculty of Science, University of Waterloo
Barry Levy, physician, epidemiologist, Adjunct Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
Kaveh Khoshnood, Associate Professor, Yale School of Public Health
Friederike Bubenzer, Peacebuilding Consultant
10The Future of UN Peacebuilding – a New Vision: Preventing and Fighting FiresBob Berg, Distinguished Fellow, Stimson Centre
Richard Ponzio, Director, Global Governance, Justice & Security, Stimson Centre
11Peace Professionalism: The Time Has ComeDr. Philip Onguny, Associate Professor of Conflict Studies, Saint Paul University in Ottawa
Dr. Nathan Funk, Associate Professor of Conflict Studies, Saint Paul University in Ottawa
Evelyn Voigt, Board Director, Civilian Peace Service Canada.

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